If you are planning your wedding then likely you have heard the phrase: something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue. But do you know what the famous phrase means or how to go about incorporating it into your wedding day? Including this tradition into your wedding day is very important to most brides; I know it was for me. Here are some creative tips to help seamlessly incorporate each part of this tradition into your wedding day and the reason that each phrase came to be.
Something Old – Symbolizes the brides past and her family
You could have a piece of lace from your mothers or grandmothers dress sewn into yours.
Put a movie ticket stub from one of your first dates inside of your shoe or in the handle of your bouquet.
Wear a piece of jewelry that you inherited from a family member or loved one.
Something New - Symbolizes the future and the couple’s new life.
Wear a new Piece of jewelry from your future husband or your mother such as earrings or a necklace.
Your shoes.
Your wedding dress.
Something Borrowed - An item from a happily married couple so that there good fortune can carry over.
Wear your mothers pearl necklace.
Wear a bracelet that belongs to your grandmother.
Borrow your best friend's purse to keep all of your wedding day essentials handy.
Something Blue - Symbolizes purity. The color blue was the original white.
Buy a
garter that is adorned with a blue charm or blue ribbon
Wear sapphire jewelry.
Wear a blue crystal brooch on the waist of your dress or attach it under the hem.
Brides have been honoring the tradition of wearing an old, a new, a borrowed and a blue item during their wedding for centuries. Although wearing these items is supposed to symbolize good luck for you in the future, they are also just a fun tradition that gives you an opportunity to express your admiration for a few special people in your life on your special day.