Showing posts with label something blue wedding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label something blue wedding. Show all posts

Will You Say 'I Do' with Something Blue?

something blue garter
Image credit: Garter from The Garter Girl by Julianne Smith

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue and a silver sixpence in her shoe!

Who hasn't heard this popular wedding saying before? But have you put much thought into what it means or why people follow it. Is it a tradition? A superstition?

This saying has been around for awhile! The tradition can be traced back to the Victorian Era in England. This quaint poem is said to bring good luck to the newlywed couple. So while some consider this a superstition, I would call it more of an endearing tradition. Each of the items called for in this poem is said to bring good fortune and blessings to the bride. These items are said to represent things from your old life as a single gal to items that represent optimism for the future, support from your family and friends and items to represent wealth and financial security.

'Something Blue'

The color blue has a long standing connection with weddings and is used as a symbol of love, purity, fidelity, good luck and loyalty. Are modern brides still abiding by this tradition and following the old saying? Well you don't have to be superstitious to join in on this long standing wedding practice. This day in age brides are using the tradition to honor loved ones by including sentimental family heirlooms in their wedding or they are just having fun gathering the random collection of goodies! 

According to our Facebook fans, this tradition is alive and well! You guys are incorporating blue into your wedding in fun and creative ways. Some of the most popular ways you guys are adding that all important touch of blue is with garters, jewelry, sashes, shoes, undergarments and bouquet embellishments!

dark blue wedding collage
Image Credits: Blue shoes, Peacock garter from, Blue Bouquet image from HY Studio

light blue wedding collage

Image Credits: Shoe decals from The Wedding Party Studio, Blue bracelets and garter from

So if you are an admittedly superstitious bride or if you just want to have a little fun accessorizing your wedding ensemble, jump on the band wagon and join in on this charming tradition.  From garters to bracelets, to special heirlooms, whatever the touch of blue is you add to your wedding it will certainly be special!

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