Showing posts with label carnival weddings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label carnival weddings. Show all posts

Fairly Fabulous

Summer is just around the corner and in our neck of the woods this means everyone is looking forward to the county fairs. Not only are they innocent entertainment for people of all ages, they are also like a slice of apple pie. As nostalgic and American as they come. In honor of this, I thought I would suggest bringing a little bit of that fair atmosphere into your outdoor wedding reception.
Some people are into the all-out theme receptions. For you, I say take this list of ideas and run (or potato sack race-hop) with them! For others who prefer to tone it down, consider incorporating only a few.
  • Cotton Candy and/or Popcorn Machines
  • Kissing Booths - which may be a cute substitute for a dollar dance!
  • Photo Booths or a caricature artist!
  • Hay bails covered in  cloth and secured with rope or ribbon to use as bench-like seating.
  • Classic games such as a ball toss at a pyramid of glass bottles. I would advise against the "guess your weight/age" booths. This may not go over well with future in-laws.) These games would not even necessarily have to be working booths, but merely set up as part of the decor to give the impression of a fair.
  • Fair Food! In the midwest this means funnel cakes, fresh doughnuts, caramel apples, and elephant ears. You could also have homemade ice cream and fresh baked pies set up as a mock baking contest. Or if you know some family members that want to contribute, you could actually have a baking contest.
  • Drinks served in old fashioned soda bottles.
  • Balloons, giant lollipops, and really the possibilities are endless!
These are just a few ideas. Choose what you love most about an old fashioned summer fair. One ambitious couple even rented a Ferris Wheel! Check out more photos from their carnival wedding here.

Of course this theme lends itself to a more casual, outdoor wedding reception or party. That doesn't mean your event can't look well-put together. Choose colors and materials carefully to present a polished look.

As always, have fun and be creative!


Photo Credit: Ferris Wheel Kiss - Edited version of an original photo by Glamour
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